Token Mentions

It's safe to say a lot of the most powerful opportunities for the average participant in financial markets(especially crypto) take place in social media applications. Telegram has become an absolute hub for "alpha", but even in groups with as little as 100 members the chat flow can be overwhelming.

The token mentions bot processes all chat in your selected group and highlights any tokens/tickers that are mentioned. This creates a separate feed into your telegram or discord and removes the noise for users lacking the time to sift through all of the new chat. At the end of the day, knowing which tickers are garnering attention is the primary focus.

Integrations of the token mentions bot are currently on an on-demand basis. We are working on an implementation that allows anyone to use the bot. For now, if you want to implement this kind of capability in your telegram or discord group, reach out to @r_damaj on twitter or create a ticket in our discord.

Last updated